Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

I hope you all are enjoying the festivities in a safe and fun manner. That being said, how many of you are going to sleep through it? (Smile)

In any case, may GOD bless you with a deeper walk with HIM in the new year.

Everyone drive safe and drink responsibly.

Take Care, GOD Bless, and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A comment on the decline of options on TV

I happened to look on Wikipedia to find out when Unnatural History would be back. A good show on Cartoon Network, I was disturbed to find out it had been cancelled. It was adventurous without the prevalent sex, language or uberviolence that so permeates our airwaves.

And perhaps that was why it died.

Pathetic that a fun show can't survive in the current atmosphere but when I look back I am not surprised. Shows like Jericho, which showed strength of family, can't get arrested but we have shows like Gossip Girl that display sex at the drop of a hat heavily promoted.

I for one plan on buying the DVDs to Unnatural History when they come out. If nothing else it'll say to the actors and actresses that I support their work.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Plants vs Zombies GOTY


If you would like to try a safe game with a modicum of strategy, Plants vs. Zombies is for you. It's based on the concept of Tower Defense and is a fairly light hearted venture made by Popcap Games.

I must admit I was sucked in by their cutesy music video which you can see on Steam(a digital download site) or the PopCap Games website. It is a fun inexpensive way to spend a few hours. If you are patient you should be able to catch it on sale. (I believe it is on sale on Steam at the moment.)

Take Care and GOD Bless!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Hello visitors!

I hope that in your time on this blog you will be encouraged in your walk with Christ. In later days I hope to post some short stories but for now I'm just testing her out.

Take Care and GOD Bless!