Monday, February 28, 2011


Odds are there will have been something today that really tried your patience. I myself had to deal with an insurance matter that should have been fixed by now. Not pleasant, let me tell you. One of my pet peeves in fact.

Like it or not, we all have to deal with matters or people that grate on our nerves. Once again, we have to decide how we will respond. Blowing one's top can be a release, but the aftermath leaves much to be desired. What we really need to do is try to take a deep breath and pray.

I know that prayer comes up in a lot of my entries. The fact is it is often the best way to seek a GOD honoring resolution to problems. Even if a quick answer is not given, you have reminded yourself who you serve and who you would not want to shame. Thus your response to the situation will bear that in mind.(Or at least it should)

A lot of people are not going to like what I say next... but GOD does use these people or circumstances in our growth. If you've been praying to be kinder or more compassionate, look out. A lesson on patience may be on its way.

Patience is an important fruit to cultivate because it comes up in so many situations. We need it in our relationship with GOD and with those HE loves.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hills often come before Mountaintops

We of the Christian worldview often speak of valleys and mountaintops in our walks with GOD. I want to share a thought. There are many hills on the way as well.

Daily small victories, or what I call hills, are often what pull us through while in a valley. The ability to treat one's family to a night out in spite of economic woes is one such hill. Are you through the storm? No. Did you win the lottery? No. But you were able to share a fun night out with your family. A wonderful moment in spite of the current valley.

GOD gives us these "hills" for a little extra oomph along the way. We can't always see the mountaintop from the valley we are going though, but we can remember HIS provision from a day or two before.

The person struggling to pay their rent may look forward to the mountaintop of a  new job. But he or she can also rejoice in the "hill" of the tax refund paying for the next month.

Now I am not saying this is always the easiest lesson to take in. We want the mountaintops all the time. But would we still be as thankful to GOD if we didn't have times of struggle and crisis. That of course is a rhetorical question. Most of us would not.

So, my statement to you is this. Remember to praise GOD for the hills as well as the mountaintops.

GOD Bless.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today's media seems to make celebrities out of the most dubious people. Many of the reality show star and starlet wannabes are who I am talking about here. Instead of being known for their acting, singing, or dancing prowess, the members of this group seem to be known for their tackiness and crudity.

Yet I feel sorry for these people. Yes, I know they are laughing all the way to the bank but what of the future? What will they say to their children who have been mocked for their parents' misdeeds. Or worse when their children start to emulate what they saw their parents do?

We have heard of former porn stars who have repented lamenting over what their children might one day have to deal with. Might not these reality stars learn from their mistakes.

It may be "boring" to work a nine to five but most of the time you can hold your head up amongst family and friends. Instead of seeking men's acclaim and worldly wealth seek something higher. Store your treasures up in heaven whether it is time, treasure, or talent. Look for approval that won't fade when your looks do and the praise that gives eternal satisfaction.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Avoid Rigidity

There is such a thing as being rigid in your faith walk. If you are freaked by not reading your Bible at the exact same time everyday, that's probably an issue.

Does GOD want you to be in the WORD? Yes. Does HE mind that today you read it at noon instead of when you just woke up. Not so much...

Legalism can creep in if we are not careful. Legalism is when you follow the letter of the law more than the spirit.

For example, one church may celebrate the Sabbath only on Sunday, where others celebrate it on Saturday. A legalist would say one is right and the other must therefore be wrong. In reality we are to have a day, which we set aside to honor GOD by resting. This could be a Wednesday if that is the day you choose in faith.

Now that doesn't mean that there aren't some areas in which we are to stand firm. Obviously our tenets of faith are non-negotiable. But standing firm is different than walking in a rigid or legalistic manner.

When reading the WORD we are to act in love on what it teaches. When you correct someone(or for that matter yourself), make sure that they have really done something wrong in GOD's eyes. And then recognize that the goal is their restoration, not condemnation. Mercy triumphs over judgment(James 2:13).

Monday, February 21, 2011

Idolatry in the Information Age

Idolatry is a term that conjures up images of primitive people praying to a figure of wood, silver or gold. Most people laugh at the thought of idolatry in this age. They could not be more deceived.

Do you pay more attention to your Facebook account than your church attendance? That's idolatry. Do you place more importance on checking your portfolio than knowing your Scripture? Idolatry again. The list goes on.

Idolatry is any activity, item or relationship that takes your primary focus off GOD and your relationship with HIM. So you see, idolatry is not only present but rampant in today's society.

Now here's the good news. If you are a believer, GOD has your number.(Of course if you aren't HE has your number but in a different way. More to follow.) GOD has a way of weaning a believer off the things that hinder the love relationship between you and HE. Some of how this happens is that the activity will make you increasingly more irritable and miserable. If that doesn't work GOD will ratchet up the heat. HE loves you too much to allow you to have only second best.

As for those of you who don't believe, frankly you are at the mercy of Satan's whims to be blunt. But GOD sent HIS Son so you don't have to be. Jesus came so you could know the real GOD and not be enslaved to your appetites and sin. If you seek freedom, ask Jesus. HE's always got room for one more family member.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chronic Pain

I have a deep respect for anyone who bears well under constant pain. This is to a certain extent because I suffer from chronic pain and have done so since birth. There are good days and bad. Today happens to be a little more mediocre than I would like but enough of that.

Paul too labored under a chronic illness. He plead for the LORD to take it away but HE said no.GOD gave Paul the response, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Hard words if taken at face value. But GOD knows each of us. In Paul's case, it may have been to offset a possible case of pride. Paul was given a wondrous vision of paradise, something that he himself says could have led him to be conceited. Thus GOD allowed the "thorn" into Paul's life to remind him where his true strength and worth came from.

I know when I have a particularly bad day that I have to depend more on other people. This can be quite humbling. But also it uplifts me. Their efforts are a love-gift to me. I also lean more on GOD, knowing that it is indeed HIS strength that allows me to take the next step.

Often it is when we are in pain that we make the biggest steps in our faith journeys. We are made to slow down, take stock, and take heed.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friends in the Internet Era

So, I just joined Facebook, albeit kicking and screaming. I've looked over the shoulder of people who have been sucked into this global phenomenon with a degree of pity and amusement mixed with terror. Keeping up with one's "friends" on Facebook could become the work of a lifetime.

I am a bit concerned about how focused people are on it to the exclusion of reality. This has been said about chatrooms, MUDs, MMORPGs, and other internet social activities but bears repeating. We need to be grounded in reality, having real friends, real relationships, and be in real communities.

I'm not saying that Facebook won't be a wonderful tool to reconnect with people from years past. I too look forward to catching up with compadres from college. It also beats paying Ma Bell. (smile) But... Keep things in perspective. A digital hug isn't as cool as a real one. And a few minutes face time with an on site friend can matter more than a thousand words on-line.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Peace among the Body

It is said that the Body of Christ is the only army on the planet known for friendly fire. A sad fact easily seen given all the tension between the denominations of the Faith.

Paul warned against such schisms in First Corinthians Chapters 1 through 4. We need to avoid such arguments which are built on pride and not of the Spirit of GOD. Instead rejoice that GOD makes the effort to reach people where they are at. Some of us are more into the traditions and ceremonies, others of the body focus more on laying on of hands and speaking in tongues. If both are faithful to Scripture, does it matter that one imbibes and the other does not. Jesus himself drank. Does it matter that one allows dance and another does not. David, a faithful servant of the LORD reveled in dance before his GOD.

I'm not saying that there are not denominations that masquerade as fellow brethren but clearly do not teach from the Bible. Indeed we must pray for the members of such groups for they are most certainly being led astray. No, this missive is about the backbiting between the denominations who are all true followers of Christ but go about it in different but still scriptural methods. Enough is enough. Satan plagues us with enemies without, we need not create our own within.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So, my insurance company played around with my medications again. I'm sure many of you can relate. You just get used to a regimen that doesn't throw you too far off balance then they up and change it.

Don't get me wrong, I feel blessed that I have insurance. So many don't. But it does get frustrating when you are switched off a blood pressure medication that works well for you to one they hope will work because it is cheaper at this point. I am on the wonderful merry-go-round of "side effects that may occur in some patients but suck it up anyway".

I do have a problem with how powerful the insurance industry has gotten though. Medical costs are so high that you really do need insurance but often you are left questioning the merits. You are usually forced to see a certain set of doctors, take an approved list of pills, and then they still want to stick you with part of the bill.

Now, that  being said, I don't believe Obama's healthcare initiatives are the way either. For  one thing their constitutional status is in question. Second, I believe there was too much influence by special interests to have a workable program. Third, I have no idea how he thought the federal government could manage it given how far in debt we are.

This is all getting a bit off point. I'll just say that if the healthcare industry(which includes the different pharmaceutical companies) would satisfy themselves with a bit less profit, then perhaps more could be helped.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


A topic perhaps for yesterday but oh well. Sometimes we take for granted those special people in our lives. We become "comfortable" with them and not in a good way. They become part of the scenery in the world we call "Me", there only to serve and coddle us.

This is not how to treat the ones we hold dear. They are treasures entrusted to us by GOD. We are to help them to grow, to respect and cherish them. First Corinthians 13 describes that which we should aspire to. Patience(Love is patient), kindness(Love is kind), forgiveness(Love keeps no record of wrongs), courtesy(Love does not dishonor others) are all part of a great love relationship.

Respect each other. Do not be content to "win" in differences of opinion or fights. This causes grudges and distorts your relationship. Instead try to honor your girlfriend/spouse's point of view even if you disagree.

Compromise and sacrifice are part of any great love relationship. There will be times you will need to do something not because you want to but because it matters to that special person. Don't play the martyr but rather rejoice that you can offer that time to the person you care for.

Love doesn't grow in a vacuum. Remember to tell that person how you feel regularly.

And for the married, if love grows cold remember to pray. You should do this anyway throughout any relationship. GOD can rekindle love if you both are willing to take it to HIM.

Do not rush love. If GOD has chosen you for the blessing of marriage, it will come in HIS perfect time. Rushing this can lead to heartbreak.

I will leave you with two of my favorite "love" passages.

Many waters cannot quench love, rivers cannot sweep it away. (Song of Songs 8:7)
Love never fails (1 Cor 13:8)

Monday, February 14, 2011


Well, my submission to the Word Weavers' retreat contest didn't place, sad to say. I am a bit disheartened as I felt it was some of my finest work. We writers are supposed to grow thick skins because of the nature of our business but even constructive criticism still hurts a bit.

The piece in question, Victory, can be found in my "Yarns" section.

Disappointments will come in spite of everything we do. What we do with them is what really matters. We can learn from these unpleasant events or we can allow ourselves to grow bitter. It is a choice.

(To be honest, I do regret to a certain extent submitting this piece. I never intended it for publication in the traditional sense. It was meant as a gift of firstfruits to GOD, to be shared freely with all who visited my blog. No charge incurred, implied, or intended. It still is my gift to HIM. To my readers, please feel free to share it with your churches, families etc... Just don't claim it as your own.)

Friday, February 11, 2011


I'm sure most of you are aware that the Egyptian president has stepped down. Whether this is a good thing remains to be seen. I for one will be paying attention to developments in that country with great interest.

But... I do not want people to worry. The events will unfold as GOD has allowed. HE is still on the throne in spite of what some might say.

What I do suggest is for people to pray. Thus far the turnover though at times violent has not had bloodbaths that so many revolutions are famous for. Pray that this continues. Pray for wise and merciful leadership for that country. Pray for the Christians in that country for they are on the frontlines.

Pray for cool heads amongst the voters and decisionmakers. The Muslim Brotherhood, a faction seeking power, does not have the best interests of the region or of all of Egypt's people. Pray that their influence is mitigated and/or nullified by moderates in that nation.

Also pray for Israel. Egypt was the longest standing peaceful relation in the region. There is a sentiment that the peace Egypt had with Israel was really only with Mubarak. Pray that the peace continues in an honorable fashion.

The future of Egypt is unseen to us but not to GOD. Fear not and trust in HIM who holds all nations in HIS hands.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Giving glory to GOD in the good times is easy. We celebrate the blessings HE has poured into our lives. the joys HE has wrought, and the mercy HE has brought.

Not quite so easy during the hard times. We wonder where HE is. Why there is so much pain. We still need to praise during these times of trouble.

Why? Because GOD is still there, still blessing us. Even if HE did nothing more than save us from Hell, that would merit praise for the rest of our days. Any trouble that we experience has to pass through the gates of HIS mercy and love.

The fact is our GOD is not some mythical god with a small g. HE doesn't need our adoration. It doesn't feed HIS ego or any other need. It is solely for our benefit. When we praise, we remember previous valleys HE has brought us through. We hear again the unfailing promises of GOD. We take our position as beloved children calling out to our loving Father.

True praise restores us. The Holy Spirit lifts us up. We are given strength and comfort.

Praise in the storms of life is a difficult but vital link in our chain of faith. It anchors us in rough times and reminds us of who we serve and who loves us more than we possibly imagine.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


We hear about budget shortfalls all too often these days. The United States sadly has spent itself into a corner. We as Americans need to consider saving rather than spending on both the personal and national levels.

That being said I am concerned about the trends I am seeing in state government. Education and aid to vulnerable populations are both suffering cuts. I fully agree that tough choices need to be made but it is disturbing how those least able to speak are being affected.

This is no time to be cutting the legs out from the struggling. Jobs may be coming back slowly, but nowhere near as fast as they are needed. People are being forced to choose between food and rent, medicine and utilities. And as a result of the recession, contributions to charitable assistance programs are down. There is literally less help to go around.

I am not saying that reform would not save state economies money. But examine the cost first. And make sure that it is indeed reform and not out and out cuts.

One of the things that this country is and will be judged on is how it treats the "least of these". Right now it doesn't look so good.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Not something we always like to talk about, accountability is a must in a Christian's life. We don't like to lay bare our souls and secret sins to anyone. The fact is though, we need a close friend or family member who we can just talk to about our struggles.

In James it says we are to confess our sins to one another(James 5:16). This is not for your humiliation but rather your healing.. Your Christian brother or sister can help you bear your burden. They can support you with prayer and correction. They comfort you when you fall and help you dust yourself off.

I'm not saying this is comfortable. There will be times when you will truly smart under the correction. But if it is done gently and in love, it can have an encouraging effect.

Choose your accountability partner(s) wisely then heed their words. This will help you in your walk and make the devil grind his teeth.

Remember as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another(Proverbs 27:17).

GOD's peace be with you all.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Fox steps up

I was flabbergasted to hear that FOX allowed the John 3:16 ad to run after all. I am indeed quite impressed and thankful. So a special shoutout to the leadership at FOX. You were a blessing unlooked for, the very best kind.


So, I'm back. We were blessed with visitors from the snowy Northern regions on Saturday, hence the lack of entry. It was wonderful to reconnect and fellowship with good friends.

A true friend is a treasure. They lift you up when you are down, correct you when needed, forgive your foibles, and rejoice with you on the hilltops. They love you at your best and your worst. If you have such friends count yourself blessed indeed for they are gifts from GOD.

So every once in a while let them know they are appreciated. Friendship, like all other worthwhile relationships, involves sacrifice. Your friend has had to deal with you when you haven't had your coffee, just got chewed out by your boss, or lost a family member. They spend time with you when you are sick. They love you even when you take the last chocolate chip cookie. So give them a hug and say thanks for being there.

It wouldn't hurt to say thanks to GOD too. HE's the best friend you will ever have and HE loved you even before you were born. We often don't take enough time to say a simple thanks. We'll remember to ask for things, sure. But GOD like ourselves loves to be appreciated.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Sometimes I get irritated that people don't realize that forgiveness is a process not a snap decision. Yes, you decide to forgive because you are commanded to. Yes, you should do this as soon as possible. But depending upon the harm done, you may have to do so more than once. This happens because the wound may not have fully healed yet or something triggers the memory of the betrayal. You relive the moment. Thus the hurt becomes fresh again. Thus you must choose to forgive once more.

For victims of abuse this is especially common. That betrayal, is a tremendous shock to the psyche. The repercussions can reverberate years into the future. A smell, a raised voice, a harsh look, any of these can take a person back.

Forgiveness like the healing it brings is a journey. Don't beat yourself up if you have to re-forgive someone. Asking the help of the Holy Spirit, do so and move on.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Technology and the Law

My mother told me about the latest trend in identity theft tonight. No longer do thieves have to steal your mail, wallet or purse. They need only pass by you with a certain gadget and they can scan your credit card. Add this to the perverts with their phone cameras in bathrooms and one could get downright hostile.

The sad fact though is the legal system has failed to keep up with the tech savvy criminal. Often penalties seem trite given the damage done to the victim. Identity theft is a good example. The penalties are often a few years versus a lifetime of struggling with the victim's bad credit and other matters. Worse yet foreign crime syndicates have gotten quite good at infiltrating and violating the credit card system.

I don't mean to scaremonger. But I do say this. Don't expect justice to catch up with many of these scofflaws on this side of the Veil.

Some simple things you can do. Try to limit the amount of cards you carry. If you don't plan on going to Nordstrom's, you probably could lock up that Nordy's card. Check your credit annually at least. The bureaus are required to give you a free report annually. Take them up on it. If something is hinky, contact your card company immediately then notify the bureaus(Experian, Transunion, Equifax). There is also a government website that you could check.( is the web portal)

I do want people to remember that we are called not to worry. You can't live in fear everyday that some criminal is going to violate your rights. You certainly should not get bitter about the way things are going. What you should do is pray. Pray for changed hearts and minds. Pray that the Holy Spirit moves mightily in Washington D. C. for reform in the legal code. Pray for police at every level as their jobs are often thankless and dangerous. We are directed to pray for authorities over us that we may live in peace.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I don't know how many of you watch the series "V" on ABC. To say that it has departed from the original is to put it mildly. The writers have attuned it more to our terror aware society. But also they have taken a weird twist with Anna's(the alien queen) obsession with the human soul.

I was a bit disturbed with this last episode. It has Anna confronting the Catholic leadership and them backing down. She does this by claiming she can steal away the Catholic faithful by the use of her advanced science. She alludes to Clarke's Third Law. For the uninitiated, Clarke's Third Law states that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.(from Wikipedia) Thus she was in effect saying she can counterfeit miracles and steal the faith of believers.

Now to my point. We have been warned that indeed there are such things as counterfeit miracles. The precautions we can take, you ask? Be in the Word. I can not stress this enough. GOD gave us HIS Word for comfort, edification, encouragement, redemption, and protection. We are told to test the spirits. We do this by syncing what something or someone says with the written testimony of GOD. If it does not fit with Scripture then stay away even if there is a pretty light show.

I must say that I am disappointed that the writers chose to take the path they did. Personally I would have loved for the cardinals to rebuke Anna as the little antichrist she was and boot her out of the Vatican. But in these times the secular media will never take that route.

So let me stress again once more be in the Word. It is a part of that spiritual armor that you may have heard about. (If you haven't, read Ephesians) "The Sword of the Spirit that is GOD's Word" is our one weapon in the equipment. If you don't know your Bible, you're going through life unarmed and blind.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

FOX shoots itself in the foot

Well, yet another media venue has acted without thinking. An ad meant for the Super Bowl has been pulled. Its crime? A bible reference with a link to check it out. Oh, no, the viewer might have to see a verse reference. Not even the verse itself. The verse in question is John 3:16.

I could rant about how sex and inappropriate behavior is so prevalent in their ads. I could comment about the fact that the Christian advertisement was quite subtle and well done. In the end I'll just say I'm disgusted with FOX and leave it at that.

My hat is off to the designer of the ad and the creators of the website. An excellent way to get the message out while being considerate of others who might not be interested. May the LORD bless your next efforts.

One thing I am sure of, GOD's message of hope will win through. I just wouldn't want to be the person(s) who got in its way.