I have been tooling around in 1 Corinthians and I want to share an observation.
In today's society much emphasis and interest has been generated on the subject of angels. An angel is a servant of the LORD, a figure of power and awe. One angel devastated the firstborn of Egypt and another later destroyed an army.
An angel is a representative of the LORD and often had messages from HIM. But angels would be quick to state that they are not to be focused on as so many popular books seem to do. They are not to be worshipped or idolized. They like us are servants as one such angel told the apostle John in Revelations. We are to worship GOD.
Angels are in fact ...ministering spirits sent to serve all who will inherit salvation.(Hebrews 1:14)
David Prior in his book The Message of 1 Corinthians brings up an interesting point. It is we by our actions on this earth that teach the wisdom of GOD's gospel to the angels.(page 110, The Message of 1 Corinthians, and 1 Peter 1:14)
To put this in proper perspective, we who believe will eventually be called upon to judge angels. (1 Corinthians 6:3)
Now by no means do I want to denigrate angels. I firmly believe that to this day GOD uses them mightily for the well being of HIS people. But I do want this point driven home. We are to reserve that sense of awe and desire to glorify for GOD alone. For to HIM alone is the majesty, the glory, and the honor owed. As the angel responded to John's attempt to worship him(Revelations 22:9), I counsel you, Worship GOD.