There are times that a Christian is called to make the sacrifice mentioned in John 15:13, that of literally dying to save one's friends. There is no greater act of love that we as humans can do.
At this time of year we should remember our dear soldiers, police and firefighters. They daily place their lives on the line for us and some do indeed give that ultimate gift to us to keep us safe and free. And there are many more people who silently protect us than we will ever know but remain in the shadows to protect their identities. Thank you and GOD Bless you all.
I also want to call attention to another group of people. They lay down their ambitions, their dreams, their hopes to serve another. They help in the background not seeking praise or glory. These caregivers take care of their charges without complaint and with minuscule or no earthly recompense. They come in many shapes. The parents who won't give up on their children with cognitive or physical challenges. The son or daughter who cares for their parent with Alzheimer's. The friend who comes along side to help when there is no one else. There is usually little respite. Government assistance shrink daily. In some cases they are not even appreciated by the ones they aid. Yet still they take the task up gladly. All because of love.
Sacrificial love comes in many shapes and sizes. But there is always a cost. It may be time that could have spent in "fun" or very real physical and mental strain. For those who labor in this manner, may I say GOD Bless you as well. Remember this. Your deeds are not unknown. The LORD who sees all, rewards us for each good act we do even those that no one else will ever see.
Merry Christmas to all of you. Be safe and remember the reason for the season.
For to us a child is born... (Isaiah 9:6)
...and you are to give HIM the name Jesus, because HE will save HIS people from their sins.(Matt 1:21)
Oh and while you are with family, remember whose birthday it is we are celebrating and extend each other a bit of grace, patience and peace. It makes the day go smoother and brings a smile to HIS face.