Again I hear of cuts being proposed to education throughout the United States. Let me get on my pulpit here people. This is shortsighted. Plain and simple. Let me put it in political-ese. Your future constituents will suffer from what you are proposing. Those high tech jobs you want the U.S. to have will go elsewhere. Thus the money for your future budgets will disappear as well. It is that simple.
We are here to protect those minds and bodies of the little ones. The LORD gave us the task to raise children in a Godly manner. Part of this is to see that they have a well-rounded education. And by well-rounded I do not mean New Age meditation, but music, the arts, as well as sports.
A big reason why the European and Asian nations are climbing away from us is that they put such a high value on education. If the United States is to prosper, it needs to cease hindering the education of its children.
And a sidenote. I know that e-readers are a big to do these days. But this is no reason to consider closing libraries or cutting their funding. The fact is that many do not have access to a Kindle or a Nook. They get by with what they find at their local library. Do not exclude a portion of the populace from access to books, internet and other resources just because they are of lesser means.
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