Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tolerance? More like Persecution

I tend to vary my news coverage. Some media outlets lean too much to the left and some too far to the right.(Though it seems the trend today is to lean left) I even check out BBC news to get an outsider's view on our nation.


So I was on Fox News website when I read one of their opinion pieces. a Christian bakery was closing because they refused to make a cake for a gay wedding(Fox News, Todd's American Dispatch, 9/3/2013) . Their shop was militantly boycotted afterwards by the LGBT community. Death threats were issued and vendors told not to do business with this bakery. All because the owners were practicing their faith. To make matters worse Oregon's Bureau of Labor and Industries are "looking" into the matter for "possible discrimination".(the Oregonian, 9/1/2013)


Todd Starnes goes on to make an excellent point...


Commissioner Brad Avakian told The Oregonian that he was committed to a fair and thorough investigation to determine whether the bakery discriminated against the lesbians.

“Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that folks have the right to discriminate,” he told the newspaper. “The goal is to rehabilitate. For those who do violate the law, we want them to learn from that experience and have a good, successful business in Oregon.”

In other words, Christians who live and work in Oregon must follow man’s law instead of God’s law. But in a show of benevolence, the state is willing to rehabilitate and reeducate Christian business owners like the Kleins.(Fox News, Todd's American Dispatch, 9/3/2013)


Todd goes on to mention several other similar cases. People who are being persecuted because they are following GOD's law rather than man's. We must realize we are in a war. Our rights to practice our faith are being eroded while we slumber. Somewhere the Christian community got fooled or lulled into the lie that tolerance meant surrendering our rights to practice what we believe and just accepting what the current culture chooses to foist upon us.


We must wake up from our daydreams of times past and witness this new reality. We must ask our LORD for HIS assistance in this for we do not just face these attacks here but in the Spiritual battlefield as well  Then, in unison we must exert ourselves politically(an arena we are not fond of) and contact our elected officials. Persecution will come but for heaven's sake let's not make it easy on them.


Todd leaves us with quite the zinger, food for thought as it were.


The plight of the Klein family exposes the true nature of the left. Those who preach tolerance and diversity are the least tolerant and the least diverse of all.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

A warning

I am currently almost through the book of Ezekiel again in my private bible reading. This time through the Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder about a certain passage.

Ezekiel 33:7-9

"Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. When I say to the wicked, 'O, wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak out to dissuade him from his wicked ways, then the wicked man will die for his sin and I will hold you accountable for his blood. But if you do warn the wicked man to turn from his sin and he does not do so, he will dies for his sin, but you will have saved yourself.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have a warning. I see a darkening trend in console/computer games. The subject matter is becoming more and more evil. I see titles like The Darkness, Diablo 3, and Dark Souls. Games like Mass Effect 3 are applauded for having alternative lifestyles in them. Mature themed games which are dubbed such because of foul language, crudity, gore and sex are in demand. There is even a game that lets you play an antichrist like character(Lucius, indie, 2012) Games like the Binding of Isaac are distorting biblical truth in heretical and downright satanic fashion.

Thus I call on you to be mindful of what you are engaging in and what your kids are playing.

Luke 17 1-3

Jesus said to the disciples: "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves."

It may be "fun" but does it hinder someone else's growth in Christ? If so better to get rid of it.

The passage from Luke of course applies to game developers as well. We are held accountable for what we do in this life. I know I don't want to go before Jesus and have to say that my actions led to sin or worse. Rise above this darkening trend and you will be blessed.

Watch out for one another, Brothers and Sisters. May the peace of Christ guard your mind and the love of Christ dwell in your heart.  -- Freedom's Scribe