Saturday, April 30, 2011

Throne Room Privilege

I was blessed today by another believer praying for myself and my family. He had been prompted to do so by the Holy Spirit. In his prayer I noted something that we sometimes take for granted. He mentioned his ease access to the throne room of GOD.

Consider this. Before Jesus shed HIS blood on the cross, only the High Priest had such access and only at certain times in a very prescribed manner. The Most Holy of Holies was sealed by a curtain, signifying that direct personal relationship with GOD was not yet available. When our Savior died, that  curtain was torn. This meant that the wall of alienation between Creator and Created was taken away.

That precious line of communication, of communion with our GOD was bought with precious blood. Prayer is not something that should ever be taken lightly. Through it we may enter the throne room of  GOD and respectfully engage with HIM. Not just present requests but have an everyday conversation with the Creator of all things. HE wants relationship with us and loves it when we tell HIM about our triumphs and trials. HE interacts with us when we pray and leads us in a personal manner.

Think on this. One to one communication with the GOD who made you and loves you more than you can possibly comprehend. Never something to be taken lightly. A privilege wrought by blood and given in amazing grace.

Friday, April 29, 2011


When you became a Christian you were sealed with the Holy Spirit. This meant your body became a temple of the Holy Spirit and thus should be treated as such. To those of us who struggle with weight issues that should be a wake up call. Overeating is not Godly behavior.

Now I'm saying that all of us people with weight issues need to jump on crash diets. And I'm not confining this talk to the weight challenged.I'm saying that GOD wants us to take care of this body of ours. HE believes that it is something special and thus so should we.

That means(groan) get out and exercise. Be careful what you intake. That does not just mean the right foods. It means watch the caffeine and sports drinks. Don't pop some pill just because you hope it will help you on some test. You shouldn't be taking anything without your doctor's advice and consent.

As your body is a temple, treat it as holy ground. No sex without a wedding ring. It cheapens you and degrades a wonderful gift from GOD. I've said this before, watch where those eyes venture.(Sadly men especially but women are catching up quickly)

Overexercising is a bad idea too. Don't make your body an idol. Try balance, it was what we were made for.

Remember this body is all you got till HE takes you home so treat it with respect.

Take Care and GOD Bless,

Freedom's Scribe

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Why does GOD put such an emphasis on obedience?

There are a few reasons for this.

One, HE is GOD.

And as we are HIS creatures, just saying that something should be so is supposed to be enough. But GOD isn't the "cause I said so" type of parent. HE has very real reasons for HIS commands.

Two, Obedience sets the pace for relationship.

GOD placed rules to facilitate lines of communication between Creator and created. As a holy GOD, HE can't countenance our sin, but as a loving GOD HE wants to spend time with HIS children. Thus HE created a way for us to know what HE expects (The Law) and the capability to be holy and forgiven when we foul up(Jesus' death on the cross which placed HIS children who believe under the law of Grace.).

Obedience says to GOD that you are ready to trust HIM for his provision of the things that you want and need. It is a requirement for maturing in one's walk with GOD and always brings blessing even if you don't immediately see it.

Third and finally, obedience is important for our own well-being.

Sin hurts and repeated sin hurts even worse. Down that path lies strongholds(Addictions). GOD wants us to be obedient because HE has a plan for our betterment and joy. When we obey, HE sculpts us ever closer to the likeness of Jesus.

Ultimately it is love that is behind GOD's desire for our obedience. HE wishes us to know HIM better and to bless us. When we are disobedient, it forces HIM to discipline.

Obedience isn't always easy but it is the better way. There is joy and peace in this journey that no amount of sin could ever convey.

Take Care and GOD Bless,

Freedom's Scribe

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Why is Good Friday good?

God who is holy saw us who were most certainly not and had mercy on us. A very short response, not quite up to par. In truth, we as sinners were as far from the goodness and purity of God as could be. Our works could not save us as we could never be"good" enough to satisfy the justice and righteous of Holy Almighty God. Sin isn't just something we do. It is a part of who we are, a disease inherent to mankind since the Fall. Now when I say disease that does not excuse us from it but explains part of what comes next.

God hurts because we hurt. He loves us more than we can possibly imagine. But as the Righteous Judge, He had to judge our sin. The penalty for sin is death, ultimate and final. But He could not bear that His children that He loves be put through that without giving them a way out.

The Great and Holy plan of Love was created before time began. God the Father knew we would sin and with the full participation of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, designed our rescue. At the right moment in time, a Savior would appear, taking on mankind's sin. But who could that be? Certainly not man himself who was from birth a sinner. Yet it must be a man in order to know our sufferings and take on our sin. Even more he must be innocent, or he could not even save himself.

Enter the incarnation of Jesus. fully God, yet He stepped into this world as a babe. He grew to manhood, a flawless, sinless Savior. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, approved by the Father, He taught in our world.

That would not be enough to save. The sin must still be judged. So Jesus, as per the plan of the Father, allowed himself to be betrayed by a friend, judged by the corrupt leaders of his time, brutalized by the cruelty of soldiers, then murdered in a most excruciating manner. That alone was bad enough but Scripture tell us that on Him every sin was laid. He who was totally without sin had to know our sin, every evil thought and deed we ever came up with throughout all time. He knew a sense of total abandonment by God the Father.

Why would He go through this? Because God --  Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- loved us so much that He did not want us to go through death and hell. Instead He sentenced Himself.

Hear what Jesus said from the cross. "It is finished." Once and for all time, the sin debt was paid for in an act of love that will never be defined or fully understood.

Why is Good Friday good? Because God showed for all time how much He loved us in the redeeming sacrifice of His Son. He showed his approval of the sacrifice by resurrecting Jesus from the dead.

There is more to it. You see this is not an automatic get out of jail free card. God respects our free will. If we want His gift of salvation we have to ask.

This is a sample prayer for salvation:

Father God, we know that we have sinned against You. We are grieved by our sin and how we have hurt You. We ask You in the name of Jesus and because of His redeeming sacrifice on the Cross to forgive us. We gladly accept Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord.

If you prayed this prayer in faith and belief that Jesus is risen from the dead and that He can and will forgive your sins, congratulations. It's your birthday. You have been born again. And from now on Good Friday will have new meaning to you. If not, please don't wait. For those who do not accept Christ as Savior, there is no recourse. Death and Hell are waiting. No amount of good works will save and Jesus is the only Way home.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Suffering and what not to say

When someone you know suffers the first thing we want to do is reach out. We want to say something to make it feel better. We want to help them understand why they are going what is happening to them.

The first thing we should do is check our opinions at the door. Regardless of our theories on the crisis, we are here to comfort that person not judge them. I would recommend praying before you even get near the person(s) in question. Ask for wisdom in what not to say and when not to say anything at all.

When someone is hurting, they often appreciate touch more than the spoken word. A simple hug can uplift a heart more than a thousand words. Express your caring in the practical. Maybe cook a meal for the person, offer to take care of their kids, or pick up the mail.

A kind ear is often appreciated. Listen, again without judgment, to what the person has to say. Don't jump to offer opinions. If you're wondering why I stress this, read(or reread) the book of Job. His friends tried to tell him why he was suffering but ended up being unkind, callous and downright wrong. Instead ask what you can do to help.

You being there can be all the person needs. So leave your comments at home and just be a friend.

Take Care and GOD Bless,

Freedom's Scribe

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sharing Grace

Grace, undeserved favor from GOD, was never meant to be kept to oneself. It is in sharing that love and mercy with others that grace finds its greatest fulfillment.

When GOD gives a gift to one of HIS children, HE expects that child to build up HIS Body first, then ultimately share it with the world. It is in this reaching out that hearts are touched and lives are changed.

GOD doesn't give any gift not to be used. So, whatever your GOD-given talent is sharpen and hone it. If your gift is writing, then write a novel, scribe a sonnet, post a blog. Use your words to encourage, strengthen and lift up your readers. Maybe hospitality is your calling. Then be a greeter, cook a meal for a neighbor, or serve the poor. The simple touch, a kind word, and a smile can change a person's whole day. The point is to reach out to people where they are at with the gifts you've been given. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go.

I leave you with a quote that I heard a long time ago. "Your talent is GOD's gift to you. What you do with it can be your gift to GOD." --- Author Unknown

May GOD shower you with HIS grace and you in turn bless the world in HIS mighty and holy name.

Freedom's Scribe

Monday, April 18, 2011


Many of you have seen Clash of the Titans, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and other movies based on mythology. There is a common thread in each. The "gods" choose a mortal to complete a task and an adventure ensues.

GOD, too uses everyday people to accomplish tasks. The difference is why.

The "gods" of myth were not omnipotent. They would empower a hero to take on a task because they were concerned with their own petty interests. Case in point, the heroes of the Trojan War fought over what in reality was the results of a beauty contest. They could be defeated by mortals. Hercules wrestles Death to save a friend's wife. In Clash of the Titans we see Perseus has to save Zeus from himself as he has been tricked by his younger brother Hades. So they weren't omniscient either.

When GOD raises up a champion it is partly because the person is flawed. Why is this, you ask? So that when the victory comes or the accomplishment occurs, it will be obvious that the mortal did not do this on his or her own. That GOD Himself was intricately involved in every aspect of the action. This rightfully brings glory to GOD's name. Why you ask is GOD so interested in the glory. Not because of ego. GOD's glory is infinitely tied to HIS character. GOD is love. And when glory comes HIS way, it showcases HIS love for us, HIS people and for the lost. And thus when HE is glorified in our actions that reflect HIS character, people notice and come to HIM to be freed from bondage, And thus GOD's redeeming goal is fulfilled and sinners are brought home.

Take Care and GOD Bless,

Freedom's Scribe

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Saints past

I was blessed to catch a movie on TBN about the Tyndales the other night.(To be accurate it was in the wee hours of the morning due to a bit of insomnia.) They had much to do with why you have a Bible in your own language instead of Latin or not at all.

We who are followers of Christ in the West in these modern times do not always understand fully how priveleged we are. The fact is that many believers went to some very gruesome ends to give us the Bible as it is and the legacy of faith along with it. The Tyndales for example translated the Bible into English, something at the time was considered heresy by the Catholic Church. They would send out tracts with the newly translated Word to hungry believers who were starved for the Scriptures. For doing this work and standing firm in the faith they were both eventually burnt at the stake.

Now I am not mentioning this to stir up factionalism. Each denomination of Christianity has its own skeletons in the closet. No, what I am saying is that men and women of faith died so that we could have the Word as it is. We should never take the gift of having the Bible to read freely lightly or freely. It was paid for in precious blood.

I say this to those of in the West because many in Eastern countries know exactly what I mean. Christianity is forbidden and underground in these lands. They face persecution and death to hear the Word. Pages torn from a single Bible nourish whole communities.

So take a look at your Bible if you have one. Read it like the precious treasure it is. GOD's saints have bled to bring you this book and HIS Son died to keep the promises within.

Take Care and GOD Bless,

Freedom's Scribe

Monday, April 11, 2011


Many of us complain about those in authority of our city, state, and/or country. Some of those complaints can get down right ugly. That should not be but that is a topic for another day. What I am getting at is these people deserve our respect. Their jobs can be downright revolting at times and certainly thankless. They also need our prayer.

We are directed to pray for those in authority over us.(1 Timothy 2:2)That is most important and should be remembered first and foremost. But we are also commanded to pay our taxes(Romans 13:6-7)(groan) because this is how those in authority are paid. I fully understand if you are late because you just don't have it. But if you have it, remember that this not only pays for schools, roads, and prisons, but the police, fire department and yes, those officials we love to scream about. So please do not try to weasel out of it. That hurts the rest of us.

We are also commmanded to give respect if the person is due it(Romans 13:7). Frankly this is one where I have noticed that police take a lot of guff. Yes, we all hate tickets. Some of the time they are even given unjustly. Still, it would not hurt to remain civil and even wish the officer a good day. They are there to protect us, a dangerous and again often a thankless job.

I know I am rambling a bit but bear with me. What I am getting at is this. There is no authority that was not allowed in place by GOD. Remember that the next time a public official makes your blood pressure rise. Then take a breath, pray for the person in question, and act in a way befitting a follower of Christ.

Oh and on a side note, if you didn't vote and could have, don't complain about an elected official. You gave away that right in my books.

Take Care and GOD Bless,

Freedom's Scribe

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Watch where you look

The eye is one of the most awesome tools that GOD gave us to enjoy the world. It also can get us into a lot of trouble. The eyes are often the accomplice to many different sins; lust, envy, and greed for starters. This is why I caution you as to where you let your gaze linger.

For example, if you see a woman/man that is attractive, I'm not saying feel guilty when you do a double take. But if you find yourself lingering on their profile for a while, you should redirect your eyes elsewhere.

It is often that lingering that can get you into trouble with money. Yes, that new 3-D t.v may have all the bells and whistles but you have a perfectly good set at home. It's that process of dwelling over the object rather than being content with what you have that causes the problem.

The world doesn't want you to guard your eyes. In all forms of media you are slammed with advertisements that claim you "need" their product to be happy. As we let ourselves "see" these items, we become fascinated by them. And even if we did not per se have a need, we begin to desire the item anyway. Or maybe we don't see the item but we covet what the item is associated with whether sex, wealth or power.

Eyes are wonderful gifts but ones that merit a bit of caution. Enjoy them but ultimately remember to keep them and their focus fixed where true satisfaction can be found.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The landmines of labels

It is always wise to gather all the facts before one rushes to label a person and/or a community. This can often save one from embarassment.

I have found my ethnicity at times a trial and a joy. The problem comes when people try to place me in a box. African-Americans place me with Caucasians or Mexicans. Caucasians often mistake me for Arabic, Hispanic, or African-American. None of these truly encompass who I am or the wonderful identity GOD designed just for me. Don't even get me started on how government forms treat me.

I have seen this happen with those who society affixes the title cognitively disabled. Does this label explain how compassionate this person is? Does it expound on the fact that person X may have a cognitive disorder but also has a faith that would make the mountains shift? No, it boxes the person into a category so they can be assessed in the crudest of all forms.

Of course there are the instances of people of differing physical challenges and aptitudes. Two people could both have parking tags for the physically challenged, but be treated totally differently because person A's challenge is visible and B's is not. I used to deal with this all the time. I happen to be blessed that my muscular dystrophy is not as aggressive as it could have been. But because people couldn't "see" the disease they assumed I was misusing the privelege. I would get dirty looks and glares both from the "able bodied" and worse yet others with physical challenges. You'd think the latter would know better but sadly it often is not so. Only now that I regularly use a cane am I spared that particular judgmental behavior.

I am not saying I have not been guilty of labelling because that would be a blatant lie. What I am declaring is we should be better than that. Don't try to place everyone you see in a box. Take a risk. Try to meet the real person. It can prove educational and may be a greater blessing than you know.

Take Care and GOD Bless,

Freedom's Scribe

Monday, April 4, 2011


This is directed to all who plan to marry someday.

When you take your vows, there are two additional partners included in this holy sacrament, the LORD and HIS Body, the Church. Neither are there just for the cake and presents. They are your support system, and I guarantee at some point you will need both of them.

GOD is there for every part of your marriage and it is HE who you will lean on during the times when you miss your spouse, have a bitter argument, or one of you is hurt. HE is the great bridgebuilder and fencemender. It will be to HIM that you cry out for solace or in joy. HE is the one that can save a broken marriage and heal broken betrayed hearts. Don't be afraid to ask HIM for help, HE is always there to give it.

The other partner that we don't often think of is the church body. The Body should be the accountability partner that helps spouses not to stray, the adviser that helps both partners grow in their walks with GOD and with each other. The Church is where pastoral counseling can be found. Don't hesistate to ask for help from the BODY, we're here to help bear each others' burdens. Don't let shame get in the way of getting help. As my pastor says, we don't do shame here. Jesus took care of all that.

(It can be uncomfortable by the way when you see another person's spouse straying. You may wish not to say anything. But we are called to correct in love. Don't embarass the person in public, but pull them aside and kindly say what needs to be said. You may lose the relationship but save their marriage.)

Take Care and GOD Bless,

Freedom's Scribe