Thursday, April 7, 2011

Watch where you look

The eye is one of the most awesome tools that GOD gave us to enjoy the world. It also can get us into a lot of trouble. The eyes are often the accomplice to many different sins; lust, envy, and greed for starters. This is why I caution you as to where you let your gaze linger.

For example, if you see a woman/man that is attractive, I'm not saying feel guilty when you do a double take. But if you find yourself lingering on their profile for a while, you should redirect your eyes elsewhere.

It is often that lingering that can get you into trouble with money. Yes, that new 3-D t.v may have all the bells and whistles but you have a perfectly good set at home. It's that process of dwelling over the object rather than being content with what you have that causes the problem.

The world doesn't want you to guard your eyes. In all forms of media you are slammed with advertisements that claim you "need" their product to be happy. As we let ourselves "see" these items, we become fascinated by them. And even if we did not per se have a need, we begin to desire the item anyway. Or maybe we don't see the item but we covet what the item is associated with whether sex, wealth or power.

Eyes are wonderful gifts but ones that merit a bit of caution. Enjoy them but ultimately remember to keep them and their focus fixed where true satisfaction can be found.

1 comment:

  1. Any time we feel empty inside we try to fill that void with people or things. Only God can fill the emptiness, thus we need to keep our focus on Him.
