I was blessed today by another believer praying for myself and my family. He had been prompted to do so by the Holy Spirit. In his prayer I noted something that we sometimes take for granted. He mentioned his ease access to the throne room of GOD.
Consider this. Before Jesus shed HIS blood on the cross, only the High Priest had such access and only at certain times in a very prescribed manner. The Most Holy of Holies was sealed by a curtain, signifying that direct personal relationship with GOD was not yet available. When our Savior died, that curtain was torn. This meant that the wall of alienation between Creator and Created was taken away.
That precious line of communication, of communion with our GOD was bought with precious blood. Prayer is not something that should ever be taken lightly. Through it we may enter the throne room of GOD and respectfully engage with HIM. Not just present requests but have an everyday conversation with the Creator of all things. HE wants relationship with us and loves it when we tell HIM about our triumphs and trials. HE interacts with us when we pray and leads us in a personal manner.
Think on this. One to one communication with the GOD who made you and loves you more than you can possibly comprehend. Never something to be taken lightly. A privilege wrought by blood and given in amazing grace.
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