Monday, May 30, 2011

Why we remember

Today is Memorial Day in the United States. Most people will take vacations, enjoy barbecues, swim at the beaches. Many do not even know what this day is all about.

It is a day of remembrance. A solemn day. It is a day that we honor those who fought, suffered, and died so that this country could be free.

The freedoms we have in this country didn't magically happen. They were paid for in blood. Men and women died to make sure that we could live as we do in this nation. That flag that so many disrespect, your right to fly it, honor it and sadly to burn it came from the suffering of men and women who felt called to serve. The right to disagree with your public officials came from lives spent.

The reason you have the safety in which you stand is because of those GOD still calls to serve.  So pray for our soldiers. Treat them and their families with the courtesy that they not only deserve but have earned. Disagree with the wars if you wish but uphold the men and women that protect this land. Don't you dare disrespect those who pay for our freedoms in blood unless you are willing to take up a rifle and stand their posts.

May GOD Bless all those who serve this great nation and their families. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. --- Freedom's Scribe

Thursday, May 12, 2011

It may be your right but is it right?

I was disturbed today to hear of some gas stations charging more than they should. These stations' signs were located further away from the actual facilities than they should be and thus they are being cited. But the fact is they were out of line for more than just the signs being too far away.

Quite simply they took advantage. When the state average is just under $4 a gallon and you're charging just under $6 that's an outrage. In some places that's even called a crime known as price gouging.

GOD doesn't have a sense of humor about this. HE made some clear comments about wanting fair scales and a just coinage(Ez 45:10).

What it boils down to is this. Are you charging what is fair? I'm not saying don't make a profit. What I am saying is don't make it off another's suffering.

The world has gotten into this thing of wanting 100, 200, even 300% profit for everything. Governments blame companies, who in turn blame shareholders and so on. The fact is avarice is the name of the game. But this is not how it should be.

GOD gave you the responsibility to be a wise steward of your resources. Part of this is making sure to pay fair wages if you are an owner but another is not to charge $10 for a widget if the making of it cost you 50 cents. This especially holds true during times of public trial or suffering.

It may be your right to overcharge for your product or service, but is it right in GOD 's eyes. Not so much.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Our hearts are so often wandering. As time passes pleasure dulls, work numbs and possessions lose their luster. The fact is that no earthly object or person can hold our attention for long. The why is simple. We were created for more.

There is a GOD-shaped space in our hearts, people. Until we direct our attentions to HIM who created us and who can fulfill every need we will struggle to be satisfied. The simple fact is that GOD knows us intimately and desires what is best for us in work, play and every other part of our lives. So why does it surprise us that apart from HIM we can't find true joy or lasting fulfillment in any section of our lives.

Try this. Ask GOD for input about your plans and really wait for HIM to respond. The path HE points out may be rougher than you hoped for, but you'll know that very real satisfaction of fulfilling your purpose on this Earth.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden's Death and Our Response

Today I heard of the successful mission to eliminate Osama Bin Laden carried out by U.S. Special Forces. My feelings perhaps like yours were mixed. There was that part of me that celebrated the news and another part that chided me for that response.

The fact is OBL was a force for evil in this broken world. We should rejoice in the fact that he can commit no further atrocities. He has gone to that great Judge who deals with all fairly. We must not however rejoice in the death of the man. We have been called to be better than that.

So I asked forgiveness for the bit of me that rejoiced in this man's downfall and enjoyed a mote of relief that he can wreak no more evil personally. The fact is though, there will be reprisals from his followers and others. Anyone who believes otherwise is extremely naive.

We can and must pray for peace amongst the nations. And we have been commanded to pray for our enemies. Not asked. Ordered by our GOD, the ultimate Commander in Chief. This is a hard thing I know. And what I'm about to say is harder. We were also called on to love and forgive them. Not an easy task and one that may take time. Forgiving is in our best interest. It releases the power of that hatred and fear over us.

I want to remind my readers also to not shut out those of the Islamic faith just because they have violent brethren. We are not to persecute them but to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them. If we treat them as criminals, how do we plant the seeds for Christ as HE called us to do.

Please pray for the members of the Seals who were involved in this dangerous effort. They risked their lives so that we may be safer and I for one will be eternally grateful.

Take Care and GOD Bless,

Freedom's Scribe