Today I heard of the successful mission to eliminate Osama Bin Laden carried out by U.S. Special Forces. My feelings perhaps like yours were mixed. There was that part of me that celebrated the news and another part that chided me for that response.
The fact is OBL was a force for evil in this broken world. We should rejoice in the fact that he can commit no further atrocities. He has gone to that great Judge who deals with all fairly. We must not however rejoice in the death of the man. We have been called to be better than that.
So I asked forgiveness for the bit of me that rejoiced in this man's downfall and enjoyed a mote of relief that he can wreak no more evil personally. The fact is though, there will be reprisals from his followers and others. Anyone who believes otherwise is extremely naive.
We can and must pray for peace amongst the nations. And we have been commanded to pray for our enemies. Not asked. Ordered by our GOD, the ultimate Commander in Chief. This is a hard thing I know. And what I'm about to say is harder. We were also called on to love and forgive them. Not an easy task and one that may take time. Forgiving is in our best interest. It releases the power of that hatred and fear over us.
I want to remind my readers also to not shut out those of the Islamic faith just because they have violent brethren. We are not to persecute them but to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them. If we treat them as criminals, how do we plant the seeds for Christ as HE called us to do.
Please pray for the members of the Seals who were involved in this dangerous effort. They risked their lives so that we may be safer and I for one will be eternally grateful.
Take Care and GOD Bless,
Freedom's Scribe
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