Thursday, May 12, 2011

It may be your right but is it right?

I was disturbed today to hear of some gas stations charging more than they should. These stations' signs were located further away from the actual facilities than they should be and thus they are being cited. But the fact is they were out of line for more than just the signs being too far away.

Quite simply they took advantage. When the state average is just under $4 a gallon and you're charging just under $6 that's an outrage. In some places that's even called a crime known as price gouging.

GOD doesn't have a sense of humor about this. HE made some clear comments about wanting fair scales and a just coinage(Ez 45:10).

What it boils down to is this. Are you charging what is fair? I'm not saying don't make a profit. What I am saying is don't make it off another's suffering.

The world has gotten into this thing of wanting 100, 200, even 300% profit for everything. Governments blame companies, who in turn blame shareholders and so on. The fact is avarice is the name of the game. But this is not how it should be.

GOD gave you the responsibility to be a wise steward of your resources. Part of this is making sure to pay fair wages if you are an owner but another is not to charge $10 for a widget if the making of it cost you 50 cents. This especially holds true during times of public trial or suffering.

It may be your right to overcharge for your product or service, but is it right in GOD 's eyes. Not so much.

1 comment:

  1. With rights come responsibilities. We are called to be honest and ethical. My question is who is advocating for the citizens in all of this?

    I also notice that so often the businesses that do this kind of thing prey on tourists. Is this short-sighted or what? Do they really think that people have such short memories.

    But what it really boils down to is are our business practices pleasing to God? I would sure want to be able to answer yes when called to account for my life.
