Through our lifetimes many people will try to label us. They will do so on the basis of ethnicity, social stature, physical prowess, or our raw being. Some will be kind, but others will not. The important thing is to know how GOD sees you.
GOD made you fearfully and wonderfully.(Ps 139:14)
GOD made you part of a royal priesthood.(1 Peter 2:9)
GOD made sure that nothing can separate you from HIS love.(Rom 8:39)
GOD made you more than a conqueror.(Rom 8:37)
Ultimately, think of this, if you have accepted Christ, HE sees you as HIS beloved child. HE sees you as you will be. Flawless and reflecting the glory of Jesus. You are a member of HIS kingdom. You are family.
If you want a taste of what that love means, read 1 Corinthians 13. This is love at its most gracious and giving.
I believe Max Lucado put it like this. If you are in Christ, GOD looks at you and see HIS Son. In a voice the rends the heavens, HE says this is my beloved child with whom I am well pleased.
It is in GOD that our true identity is found.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Ruth is one of the more interesting figures of the Word. As a Moabitess, she was from a despised nation. Yet, GOD chose her to be in the bloodline of Jesus. Why? Because GOD always rewards faithfulness and HE blesses those who bless HIS people.
Ruth chose to stay with her mother-in-law, Naomi, even though Ruth's husband was dead. Her love for Naomi was such that she would go to Israel, a country not her own. Furthermore, she takes the LORD as her GOD.
GOD uses her loyalty to show HIS love to Naomi. Naomi had become bitter due to the loss of her sons. She thought that the LORD had abandoned her. Through the meeting and eventual marriage of Ruth and Boaz, the kinsman-redeemer, Naomi finds out that GOD never abandons us even when trials may make it seem so.
Some people question our dedication to Israel over the years. Did anyone realize how we have been blessed by our blessing them? GOD rewards those who bless HIS people.
As we are faithful to HIM, we mature and grow in our walk. This allows us to love others in a steadfast way, building up rather than tearing down. We can be faithful to others because HE has first proven faithful to us. And as we obediently carry out our GOD given tasks, we find that we also develop spiritual fruit.
Remember Jesus's parable of the talents. He who is faithful with a little will be entrusted with more.
Ruth chose to stay with her mother-in-law, Naomi, even though Ruth's husband was dead. Her love for Naomi was such that she would go to Israel, a country not her own. Furthermore, she takes the LORD as her GOD.
GOD uses her loyalty to show HIS love to Naomi. Naomi had become bitter due to the loss of her sons. She thought that the LORD had abandoned her. Through the meeting and eventual marriage of Ruth and Boaz, the kinsman-redeemer, Naomi finds out that GOD never abandons us even when trials may make it seem so.
Some people question our dedication to Israel over the years. Did anyone realize how we have been blessed by our blessing them? GOD rewards those who bless HIS people.
As we are faithful to HIM, we mature and grow in our walk. This allows us to love others in a steadfast way, building up rather than tearing down. We can be faithful to others because HE has first proven faithful to us. And as we obediently carry out our GOD given tasks, we find that we also develop spiritual fruit.
Remember Jesus's parable of the talents. He who is faithful with a little will be entrusted with more.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Joel Osteen-Elton John situation
I'm sure by now there are all sorts of opinions about the recent controversy between Pastor Joel Osteen and Elton John. I guess I'll toss in my two cents. The fact is Pastor Osteen said nothing new. Elton John is a sinner. So is the rest of the human race. So why the hoopla.
Political correctness is why. This term has become the six hundred pound gorilla in the room. It had a noble purpose once. It was an attempt to be more conscientious about other people's feelings. Now it has been used to excuse sin and prejudice. Yes, prejudice. Ironic, huh. You can't call homosexuality a sin because you'll offend this group. You can't have prayer in school because you might offend the group over there. Never mind that this nation was built on Christian ideals.
Pastor Osteen would be the first to admit he too is a sinner. All need GOD's forgiving grace. Including Elton John even if he won't admit it.
Should Pastor Osteen apologize? Most definitely not. The truth is the truth even when itching ears don't want to hear it.
Political correctness is why. This term has become the six hundred pound gorilla in the room. It had a noble purpose once. It was an attempt to be more conscientious about other people's feelings. Now it has been used to excuse sin and prejudice. Yes, prejudice. Ironic, huh. You can't call homosexuality a sin because you'll offend this group. You can't have prayer in school because you might offend the group over there. Never mind that this nation was built on Christian ideals.
Pastor Osteen would be the first to admit he too is a sinner. All need GOD's forgiving grace. Including Elton John even if he won't admit it.
Should Pastor Osteen apologize? Most definitely not. The truth is the truth even when itching ears don't want to hear it.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Unfortunately, many people don't truly associate majesty with GOD. Society has watered down GOD to the point that HIS grandeur is miniscule and HIS grasp limited. If you go to the movies, you see HIM abdicate responsibility(Bruce Almighty) on a whim, let HIS angels behave irresponsibly(Michael), and let Satan have way too much rein(Reaper, Supernatural, End of Days, etc...). Certainly HE is not depicted as HE truly is. Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Eternal and Immortal. If you believe the media, HE is a god with a small "g".
Read the latter portion of Job. This is no small GOD. HE is the creator of Heaven and Earth. HE is to be worshipped not trivialized. The simple fact is that people minimize GOD because they desire to go their own way. If they took GOD as HE is, they would have to correct their behavior.
Even some of the Church has done this. By emphasizing HIS Love and Mercy but not HIS Justice and Holiness, we receive a lopsided view of GOD. By denying that GOD will indeed send those not in Jesus's Book of Life to Hell, they also decrease HIS justice and devalue Jesus's death on the Cross. They do this to "fill seats". Instead of preaching truth, they give people what they want to hear.
The simple fact is our GOD is majestic and all powerful. Seek to minimize HIM at your peril. Why anyone would want a wimpy GOD is beyond me. If HE was too wimpy to stop the evil that is persistent in society, how could I trust HIM to be strong enough to save me.
Read the latter portion of Job. This is no small GOD. HE is the creator of Heaven and Earth. HE is to be worshipped not trivialized. The simple fact is that people minimize GOD because they desire to go their own way. If they took GOD as HE is, they would have to correct their behavior.
Even some of the Church has done this. By emphasizing HIS Love and Mercy but not HIS Justice and Holiness, we receive a lopsided view of GOD. By denying that GOD will indeed send those not in Jesus's Book of Life to Hell, they also decrease HIS justice and devalue Jesus's death on the Cross. They do this to "fill seats". Instead of preaching truth, they give people what they want to hear.
The simple fact is our GOD is majestic and all powerful. Seek to minimize HIM at your peril. Why anyone would want a wimpy GOD is beyond me. If HE was too wimpy to stop the evil that is persistent in society, how could I trust HIM to be strong enough to save me.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Behind the Scenes
Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you go GOD's way, things just seem to fall into place?
I was reading Esther this morning, a book in which you don't really hear much mention of GOD. But HE is there none the less, guiding HIS people and providing. It almost seems like a series of coincidences. Esther is chosen to be queen. Mordecai overhears a plot. The king's dreams are troubled. All just seem to happen.
Something I'd like you to remember. There is no such thing as a coincidence where GOD is concerned.
GOD knew that HIS people would be threatened at a later date by Haman. He set in motion a plan years before to save the Jews. Esther is reminded of this by Mordecai. "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this."(Esther 4:14, Today's New International Version)
GOD loves to work behind the scenes. When we are obedient to the call placed upon us, we find that HE has already gone ahead of us laying the trail. I'm not saying there are not difficulties or trials on that path. Such impediments are par for the course. What I am saying is HE has been there before us and has prepared the way.
So next time something just seems to happen for the better, smile. As I once saw written, a coincidence is simply GOD choosing to remain anonymous.
I was reading Esther this morning, a book in which you don't really hear much mention of GOD. But HE is there none the less, guiding HIS people and providing. It almost seems like a series of coincidences. Esther is chosen to be queen. Mordecai overhears a plot. The king's dreams are troubled. All just seem to happen.
Something I'd like you to remember. There is no such thing as a coincidence where GOD is concerned.
GOD knew that HIS people would be threatened at a later date by Haman. He set in motion a plan years before to save the Jews. Esther is reminded of this by Mordecai. "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this."(Esther 4:14, Today's New International Version)
GOD loves to work behind the scenes. When we are obedient to the call placed upon us, we find that HE has already gone ahead of us laying the trail. I'm not saying there are not difficulties or trials on that path. Such impediments are par for the course. What I am saying is HE has been there before us and has prepared the way.
So next time something just seems to happen for the better, smile. As I once saw written, a coincidence is simply GOD choosing to remain anonymous.
Monday, January 24, 2011
GOD's Timetable not Ours
This is almost a follow up to the entry on rest. We in our busyness sometimes forget that GOD works on HIS own schedule. Thus when we send up our arrow prayers we expect immediate satisfaction.
Blessedly GOD just doesn't work that way. Yes, there are times HE will give an immediate answer. But let us remember that Daniel received one of his answers after a long fast. Moses was sent to deliver the Israelites in the proper measure of time.
My pastor made note of the fact that Jesus did not just come to save. HE came to have an abundant and loving relationship with us. To restore what was broken in the Garden of Eden. Relationshps that matter evolve over a lifetime.
Prayer, that vital lifeline to GOD, was not meant to be just a series of arrow prayers on the way to heaven. It is the building block of a love story that never ends. Jesus wants to hear about every part of your life. And HE wants to give input on every part.
We are often dissatisfied when our prayers do not result in immediate action. What we don't realize is that often what we have asked for begins a process not a resolution. This process results in our maturing and deepening in our walk.
So don't get angry if your prayer does not appear to be answered that very second. GOD is not a genie. HE works in HIS time and for HIS purposes in our lives. GOD's answers to our prayers are always worth waiting for. Even if that answer is no. Because HIS no often lead to a more glorious yes down the road.
Blessedly GOD just doesn't work that way. Yes, there are times HE will give an immediate answer. But let us remember that Daniel received one of his answers after a long fast. Moses was sent to deliver the Israelites in the proper measure of time.
My pastor made note of the fact that Jesus did not just come to save. HE came to have an abundant and loving relationship with us. To restore what was broken in the Garden of Eden. Relationshps that matter evolve over a lifetime.
Prayer, that vital lifeline to GOD, was not meant to be just a series of arrow prayers on the way to heaven. It is the building block of a love story that never ends. Jesus wants to hear about every part of your life. And HE wants to give input on every part.
We are often dissatisfied when our prayers do not result in immediate action. What we don't realize is that often what we have asked for begins a process not a resolution. This process results in our maturing and deepening in our walk.
So don't get angry if your prayer does not appear to be answered that very second. GOD is not a genie. HE works in HIS time and for HIS purposes in our lives. GOD's answers to our prayers are always worth waiting for. Even if that answer is no. Because HIS no often lead to a more glorious yes down the road.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I took a longer nap than usual today. That in and of itself is no red letter event. (Other than possible difficulties sleeping tonight.) But it got me thinking. We have gotten busy about being busy. Whether it is the people who bury themselves in work or those who consume themselves with pleasure, it is all about being busy. Too often we don't just rest.
This Facebook phenomenon is an interesting study. We have become so busy in friending and being friended that we miss out on real relationships. I've looked over my mother's shoulder at her account. There is no way to keep up without a serious commitment of time and energy. I'm not saying that Facebook isn't a wonderful tool. That's not it at all. But it is another way we can become busy.
GOD didn't intend us to consume ourselves with busy. HE himself set a day apart for rest. Not that HE needed rest but He knew we would. Did HE intend us to be productive? Yes. Did HE intend us to be on the go nonstop. No.
GOD wanted us to rest. That doesn't necessarily always mean sleep. That can mean gardening, taking a quiet walk, watching a movie, or playing games with your children. Rest is time to recharge from the world's wear and tear. Something we frankly need everyday. Mind you, given the amount of hours some of us put in at work, sleep is not the worst of ideas.
Worshipping in the Body weekly is a part of that rest. I'm not going to confine that to one day as some have. My church celebrates worship on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Others have a mid week service. The point is that our souls need restoration too. We are encouraged and corrected, enlightened and filled with joy, refreshed at the same time GOD is glorified.
Ultimate rest is found in HIM. Jesus promised that in HIM we would find rest for our souls. Too much time being busy and we find ourselves drained. Personally, I would rather relax in my Savior's arms.
This Facebook phenomenon is an interesting study. We have become so busy in friending and being friended that we miss out on real relationships. I've looked over my mother's shoulder at her account. There is no way to keep up without a serious commitment of time and energy. I'm not saying that Facebook isn't a wonderful tool. That's not it at all. But it is another way we can become busy.
GOD didn't intend us to consume ourselves with busy. HE himself set a day apart for rest. Not that HE needed rest but He knew we would. Did HE intend us to be productive? Yes. Did HE intend us to be on the go nonstop. No.
GOD wanted us to rest. That doesn't necessarily always mean sleep. That can mean gardening, taking a quiet walk, watching a movie, or playing games with your children. Rest is time to recharge from the world's wear and tear. Something we frankly need everyday. Mind you, given the amount of hours some of us put in at work, sleep is not the worst of ideas.
Worshipping in the Body weekly is a part of that rest. I'm not going to confine that to one day as some have. My church celebrates worship on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Others have a mid week service. The point is that our souls need restoration too. We are encouraged and corrected, enlightened and filled with joy, refreshed at the same time GOD is glorified.
Ultimate rest is found in HIM. Jesus promised that in HIM we would find rest for our souls. Too much time being busy and we find ourselves drained. Personally, I would rather relax in my Savior's arms.
Friday, January 21, 2011
An old favorite
So I was digging around my shelves for something to read when I dug up an old friend. The Zork Chronicles by George Alec Effinger. An amusing book, full of tongue in cheek. You view the story through the eyes of the hero's guide. Without any spoilers, there's a twist that turns everything around for the guide. Turns out he's more involved in events then he originally thought.
Glorian(the guide) is often funny because he is so blase about the adventure he is on. An experienced mentor of heroes, he has seen it all. He misses a few cues because he has this "been there done that" attitude. The same could be said of us. We get so involved in our routines that we don't look up. Thus we miss some of the opportunities to serve, to grow in our walk with Jesus, or simply to revel in the glory of creation.
GOD chose us to be active participants in HIS grand design. We are all more involved in events than we can possibly imagine. No one was made to strictly observe.
So... It may be trite but stop and smell the roses. HE made them just for you.
Glorian(the guide) is often funny because he is so blase about the adventure he is on. An experienced mentor of heroes, he has seen it all. He misses a few cues because he has this "been there done that" attitude. The same could be said of us. We get so involved in our routines that we don't look up. Thus we miss some of the opportunities to serve, to grow in our walk with Jesus, or simply to revel in the glory of creation.
GOD chose us to be active participants in HIS grand design. We are all more involved in events than we can possibly imagine. No one was made to strictly observe.
So... It may be trite but stop and smell the roses. HE made them just for you.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I had the "joy" of having my first doctor's appointment of the new year today. Not my favorite activity but could be worse. My meds were tweaked, appointments set, and out I went. A blessed short visit. Mind you they did forget my appointment but I'll cut them some slack this time.
A lot of us gripe about physicians. But the fact is that we are indeed blessed to have them. So when they give you a suggestion that isn't illegal, immoral or cause cancer in lab rats, do them the courtesy of listening.
Speaking of health, a spiritual health checkup isn't the worst idea. Be in the Word, and listen to what the Great Physician says. I am trying to get better about being in the Word twice a day but I'll admit it is a struggle. But the rewards are there. Jesus reminds us to ask, seek and knock. Part of that seeking is being in HIS Word. So try to read your Bible once a day at least. GOD will reward your diligence.
Take Care and GOD Bless
A lot of us gripe about physicians. But the fact is that we are indeed blessed to have them. So when they give you a suggestion that isn't illegal, immoral or cause cancer in lab rats, do them the courtesy of listening.
Speaking of health, a spiritual health checkup isn't the worst idea. Be in the Word, and listen to what the Great Physician says. I am trying to get better about being in the Word twice a day but I'll admit it is a struggle. But the rewards are there. Jesus reminds us to ask, seek and knock. Part of that seeking is being in HIS Word. So try to read your Bible once a day at least. GOD will reward your diligence.
Take Care and GOD Bless
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I have been disturbed for some time with this trend of retaliatory violence against bullying. The fact is that there are cruel people in every area of life. They get off on putting down the little guy(so to speak). This is indeed despicable and should be dealt with. However, this is not an excuse to carry out a school or office place shooting.
I know especially in this economy, that it isn't always possible to walk away. You may have to be creative to deal with your aggressor. In the case of an adult, I find the advent of the smartphone a wonderful thing. Tape the behavior and take it to Human Resources. If the bully is violent, take the matter to the police.
In the case of children, tell your teacher. If that doesn't work, tell the principal. Tell your parents. And again the police is an option.
I assure you the police would rather deal with the bully than you as the school or office shooter.
And as for those who observe bullying. Please wake up. Fuses are shorter these days. That victim you ignored could be the next shooter. If you see someone being bullied, report it to the proper authority figures.
Let's watch out for each other.
I know especially in this economy, that it isn't always possible to walk away. You may have to be creative to deal with your aggressor. In the case of an adult, I find the advent of the smartphone a wonderful thing. Tape the behavior and take it to Human Resources. If the bully is violent, take the matter to the police.
In the case of children, tell your teacher. If that doesn't work, tell the principal. Tell your parents. And again the police is an option.
I assure you the police would rather deal with the bully than you as the school or office shooter.
And as for those who observe bullying. Please wake up. Fuses are shorter these days. That victim you ignored could be the next shooter. If you see someone being bullied, report it to the proper authority figures.
Let's watch out for each other.
Monday, January 17, 2011
A Dream in Motion
Today is Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday for all who may not know. Celebrated as a holiday in the United States, it commemorates the life of an important figure in Civil Rights activism. He promoted equal treatment for all and did so in a non-violent manner.
I'd like to remind people to not focus so much on the man but more on his GOD given dream. Though true equality will not come till Jesus comes again, we should strive to treat others as we wish to be treated. Hmm... that sounds like the words of a certain carpenter I follow.
We should not discriminate on the basis of the color of one's skin, the money in one's wallet, or the denomination we belong to. Instead try to see the world through Jesus's eyes. Broken, hurting, and in need of a Savior.
Take Care and GOD Bless.
I'd like to remind people to not focus so much on the man but more on his GOD given dream. Though true equality will not come till Jesus comes again, we should strive to treat others as we wish to be treated. Hmm... that sounds like the words of a certain carpenter I follow.
We should not discriminate on the basis of the color of one's skin, the money in one's wallet, or the denomination we belong to. Instead try to see the world through Jesus's eyes. Broken, hurting, and in need of a Savior.
Take Care and GOD Bless.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Voyeurism vs. Humanity
It is extremely unusual for me to agree with a comedian. Most of the time they are too busy being crass and vulgar to merit my attention. But Jimmy Fallon brought up an interesting point regarding a video floating around the net.
The video depicts a rat on a train climbing all over a slumbering passenger. There is no attempt by the observers to help or warn the man. Instead the videographer tapes as the rat crawls on the man, waking the startled person into a panic.
Jimmy Fallon was quick to point out that the more ratlike behavior was going on behind the camera instead of at the hands of a small furry rodent.
I have to agree. People wake up, please. In our quest to make the next great viral video, remember decency and kindness. We're here to lift people up not let them sink lower.
My recent favorite video was the flash mob singing the Hallelujah Chorus in a mall. It brought joy to those present. It included rather than separated. And GOD was glorified.
Something to think about. Yes, your video of that man falling off his skis may be funny for now, but will it bring a smile to Jesus's face?
The video depicts a rat on a train climbing all over a slumbering passenger. There is no attempt by the observers to help or warn the man. Instead the videographer tapes as the rat crawls on the man, waking the startled person into a panic.
Jimmy Fallon was quick to point out that the more ratlike behavior was going on behind the camera instead of at the hands of a small furry rodent.
I have to agree. People wake up, please. In our quest to make the next great viral video, remember decency and kindness. We're here to lift people up not let them sink lower.
My recent favorite video was the flash mob singing the Hallelujah Chorus in a mall. It brought joy to those present. It included rather than separated. And GOD was glorified.
Something to think about. Yes, your video of that man falling off his skis may be funny for now, but will it bring a smile to Jesus's face?
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Healing Grace
I have been encouraged to hear of the congresswoman's progress. This indeed is a gift from GOD. There is a long road to recovery ahead. I hope and pray that she and her husband will lean heavily on GOD's shoulders during this journey.
I feel I must preempt a debate that is no doubt forming. There will be those who use this incident and those involved for a rallying cry. Please try and rise above. This is no time for pro or anti gun law debates. This is the hour to rally around the grieving and the hurt. Pray for them, walk with them and be there for them. There will be a day for such discourse but not now.
Take Care and GOD Bless
I feel I must preempt a debate that is no doubt forming. There will be those who use this incident and those involved for a rallying cry. Please try and rise above. This is no time for pro or anti gun law debates. This is the hour to rally around the grieving and the hurt. Pray for them, walk with them and be there for them. There will be a day for such discourse but not now.
Take Care and GOD Bless
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
It has indeed been a year since the terrible crisis in Haiti. I'm saddened to see men like Fidel Castro are using the Haitian humanitarian crisis to boost their own public visibility.
The fact is that many nations grew tired of dealing with the corruption of the Haitian government. When these nations sought to donate time, materials, and money, they were often met with demands for duty or obstreperous red tape. Thus these nations and their peoples chose to bow out and take their generosity elsewhere.
I do ask that people not forget the Haitians though. Since the initial disaster, cholera has taken hold there. The greed of the government not withstanding, these people still need help. But perhaps that help should take a different route. Contact your representatives in whatver nation you may be in. Ask them to place pressure on the Haitian government to cease their gouging of relief efforts. Only then will relief flow through to the people who really need it.
The fact is that many nations grew tired of dealing with the corruption of the Haitian government. When these nations sought to donate time, materials, and money, they were often met with demands for duty or obstreperous red tape. Thus these nations and their peoples chose to bow out and take their generosity elsewhere.
I do ask that people not forget the Haitians though. Since the initial disaster, cholera has taken hold there. The greed of the government not withstanding, these people still need help. But perhaps that help should take a different route. Contact your representatives in whatver nation you may be in. Ask them to place pressure on the Haitian government to cease their gouging of relief efforts. Only then will relief flow through to the people who really need it.
Monday, January 10, 2011
I attended Monday night service as I was too tired to go on Saturday as usual. Our pastor made a good point that I'd like to share.
This country was built on healthy debate and discussion. I'm not saying there wasn't the occasional fistfight but in general arguments were kept rational. These days the comments are more directed at the person and less at the topic. The venom in discourse has ratcheted up considerably in the past few years. This should not be.
Esteemed readers, let's keep it civil out there. Keep on topic and stop those personal attacks. We as people, especially we who are Christians, should be more about building one another up. Respect the other person's viewpoint even if you don't share it. Respect the person even when tempers flare. Especially if they are your loved ones. A few words can do a lifetime of damage.
Oh... and remember apologies are wonderful things. They build bridges and mend fences. They can sometimes smoothe the way towards healing a relationship breach.
May GOD bless and keep you.
This country was built on healthy debate and discussion. I'm not saying there wasn't the occasional fistfight but in general arguments were kept rational. These days the comments are more directed at the person and less at the topic. The venom in discourse has ratcheted up considerably in the past few years. This should not be.
Esteemed readers, let's keep it civil out there. Keep on topic and stop those personal attacks. We as people, especially we who are Christians, should be more about building one another up. Respect the other person's viewpoint even if you don't share it. Respect the person even when tempers flare. Especially if they are your loved ones. A few words can do a lifetime of damage.
Oh... and remember apologies are wonderful things. They build bridges and mend fences. They can sometimes smoothe the way towards healing a relationship breach.
May GOD bless and keep you.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Word Weavers
Well, I crawled out of bed(reluctantly - smile - ) to make my monthly meeting. I received some good feedback on my latest chapter of Searcher's Honor. FYI meetings for the Orlando chapter are at Northland Church, every second Saturday of the month at 10am(9:30 for fellowship). There's a link from my blog for more information.
Word Weavers is now a part of Jerry Jenkins' Christian Writers Guild. We were briefed on more of what that means this morning. Could be interesting.
A small note on the events in Arizona. Because we are indeed blessed to be in this country, free speech is always an option. If you dissent on a political matter use your voice in whatever manner you prefer. There is no excuse for the attack on these people and my heart and prayers go out to those affected.
Word Weavers is now a part of Jerry Jenkins' Christian Writers Guild. We were briefed on more of what that means this morning. Could be interesting.
A small note on the events in Arizona. Because we are indeed blessed to be in this country, free speech is always an option. If you dissent on a political matter use your voice in whatever manner you prefer. There is no excuse for the attack on these people and my heart and prayers go out to those affected.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Spiritual Warfare
This post is directed at the Christian Readers of my blog. I just wanted to share something I've learned in my time as a Christian. Often times when we are attacked spiritually, we beat ourselves up about how we handled it. We are especially vulnerable in our dreams I've found.
This is why it is so important to be in the Word on a daily basis. I've found that even without the active process of memorization, Bible passages seep into the unconscious. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try and memorize verses by the way.
Getting back to how we beat ourselves up.
GOD knows how we struggle. Ask forgiveness and then move on. There will be times when I wake up, just glad that the Holy Spirit dragged me out of a dream. And then there are times that GOD so graced me with the right verses that I come out of an attack energized.
Either way, remember to thank GOD for HIS protection. And even when you are upset about the lost sleep, sing HIS praise. Because frankly HE deserves it.
Thanks for reading this. I hope it helps.
This is why it is so important to be in the Word on a daily basis. I've found that even without the active process of memorization, Bible passages seep into the unconscious. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try and memorize verses by the way.
Getting back to how we beat ourselves up.
GOD knows how we struggle. Ask forgiveness and then move on. There will be times when I wake up, just glad that the Holy Spirit dragged me out of a dream. And then there are times that GOD so graced me with the right verses that I come out of an attack energized.
Either way, remember to thank GOD for HIS protection. And even when you are upset about the lost sleep, sing HIS praise. Because frankly HE deserves it.
Thanks for reading this. I hope it helps.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
A disgrace
The company that Steve Jobs made has stuck its foot in its mouth big time. Apple's latest response to the continuing efforts to restore a Christian app to their system was very telling. They refused on the basis of said content being defamatory, offensive, mean spirited or likely to expose the targeted group to harm or violence. This was their flimsy way of saying that the teachings of the Bible are offensive, even dangerous.
The Manhattan Declaration IPhone app, the app in question, had been on their app network with a rating of 4+. It was taken down because of a petition on and not restored even after a revised version was submitted.
This most recent statement by Apple disgusts me frankly. I will not be purchasing anything from them in the future and I encourage my readers to follow suit.
The Manhattan Declaration IPhone app, the app in question, had been on their app network with a rating of 4+. It was taken down because of a petition on and not restored even after a revised version was submitted.
This most recent statement by Apple disgusts me frankly. I will not be purchasing anything from them in the future and I encourage my readers to follow suit.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Death in Media
I'm sure other Christians have called the media on this but it's a lesson worth repeating. In literature, movies and television, there is so often repeated that statement "taken before their time". Aside from being ignorant, this phrase and others like it are a direct slap to GOD.
GOD has our lives so measured that HE knows the amount of hairs are on our head(Matt 10:30, Today's NIV). It was HE who set our lifespan.(Genesis 6:3, Today's NIV) The amount of days in our life were decided before we stepped into this world of ours. When we go home is at HIS discretion and it is never before HIS time.
What one should be concerned about is that they be ready when that time comes. That can arrive before the next breath. For those who don't know Christ, HE is as near to you as the air you breathe. HE loves you and wants you safe. But HE respects your free will and won't come unasked.
To those of the Body of Believers, we should be about our GOD given tasks. When HE comes in HIS perfect time, we want to be ready as well.
GOD has our lives so measured that HE knows the amount of hairs are on our head(Matt 10:30, Today's NIV). It was HE who set our lifespan.(Genesis 6:3, Today's NIV) The amount of days in our life were decided before we stepped into this world of ours. When we go home is at HIS discretion and it is never before HIS time.
What one should be concerned about is that they be ready when that time comes. That can arrive before the next breath. For those who don't know Christ, HE is as near to you as the air you breathe. HE loves you and wants you safe. But HE respects your free will and won't come unasked.
To those of the Body of Believers, we should be about our GOD given tasks. When HE comes in HIS perfect time, we want to be ready as well.
I just thought I'd make a comment on the plethora of web browsers that are now available. You see I was a child(so to speak) of the Netscape vs Internet Explorer conflict. Personally I felt that IE was easier at the time but don't mind me. Nowadays there's Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and the venerable yet ubiquitous IE.
An old fart by todays standards I still use IE but I can't help but be a mite curious. My IT friend says that Firefox is a bit more secure. That it probably is given IE has been around so long, a 2 year old knows the ins and outs. Still I hold on to IE. Call it a digital security blanket for a thirtysomething computer amateur.
Of course I can be fickle. (smile)
In other news...
I submitted a short story for the 2010 Word Weavers Retreat Contest. Fortunately, you don't have to attend to submit. No moolah as they used to say. When I get the results back I will post them here.
An old fart by todays standards I still use IE but I can't help but be a mite curious. My IT friend says that Firefox is a bit more secure. That it probably is given IE has been around so long, a 2 year old knows the ins and outs. Still I hold on to IE. Call it a digital security blanket for a thirtysomething computer amateur.
Of course I can be fickle. (smile)
In other news...
I submitted a short story for the 2010 Word Weavers Retreat Contest. Fortunately, you don't have to attend to submit. No moolah as they used to say. When I get the results back I will post them here.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Christian Game Visibility
Just a small comment. I am disturbed that the Christian Computer Game publishing community does not garner more support from the Body. It is very difficult to find games with a Christian bent. I personally am an aficionado of computer role playing games. These are rare indeed among the few scattered Christian games out there.
I would suggest that these publishers need to reach out more. Perhaps they could start dialogues with Christian magazines, websites, and bookstores. Frankly they are losing business because we don't know where they are.
That being said, we Christians also need to do our part by buying from these companies. This will promote growth and diversity of subject matter.
The demand for cleaner, less bloody games is there. I for one just need to know where to look.
I would suggest that these publishers need to reach out more. Perhaps they could start dialogues with Christian magazines, websites, and bookstores. Frankly they are losing business because we don't know where they are.
That being said, we Christians also need to do our part by buying from these companies. This will promote growth and diversity of subject matter.
The demand for cleaner, less bloody games is there. I for one just need to know where to look.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
People often make resolutions on New Year's. Perhaps the simplest should be "to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your GOD."
(Micah 6:8, Today's New International Version)
Take Care and GOD Bless
(Micah 6:8, Today's New International Version)
Take Care and GOD Bless
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