It is extremely unusual for me to agree with a comedian. Most of the time they are too busy being crass and vulgar to merit my attention. But Jimmy Fallon brought up an interesting point regarding a video floating around the net.
The video depicts a rat on a train climbing all over a slumbering passenger. There is no attempt by the observers to help or warn the man. Instead the videographer tapes as the rat crawls on the man, waking the startled person into a panic.
Jimmy Fallon was quick to point out that the more ratlike behavior was going on behind the camera instead of at the hands of a small furry rodent.
I have to agree. People wake up, please. In our quest to make the next great viral video, remember decency and kindness. We're here to lift people up not let them sink lower.
My recent favorite video was the flash mob singing the Hallelujah Chorus in a mall. It brought joy to those present. It included rather than separated. And GOD was glorified.
Something to think about. Yes, your video of that man falling off his skis may be funny for now, but will it bring a smile to Jesus's face?
What ever happened to people exhibiting acts of kindness? When did we become this society that gets its kicks at someone else's expense? People wake up. If nothing else, think that could have been you.