Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Unfortunately, many people don't truly associate majesty with GOD. Society has watered down GOD to the point that HIS grandeur is miniscule and HIS grasp limited. If you go to the movies, you see HIM abdicate responsibility(Bruce Almighty) on a whim, let HIS angels behave irresponsibly(Michael), and let Satan have way too much rein(Reaper, Supernatural, End of Days, etc...). Certainly HE is not depicted as HE truly is. Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Eternal and Immortal. If you believe the media, HE is a god with a small "g".

Read the latter portion of Job. This is no small GOD. HE is the creator of Heaven and Earth. HE is to be worshipped not trivialized. The simple fact is that people minimize GOD because they desire to go their own way. If they took GOD as HE is, they would have to correct their behavior.

Even some of the Church has done this. By emphasizing HIS Love and Mercy but not HIS Justice and Holiness, we receive a lopsided view of GOD. By denying that GOD will indeed send those not in Jesus's Book of Life to Hell, they also decrease HIS justice and devalue Jesus's death on the Cross. They do this to "fill seats". Instead of preaching truth, they give people what they want to hear.

The simple fact is our GOD is majestic and all powerful. Seek to minimize HIM at your peril. Why anyone would want a wimpy GOD is beyond me. If HE was too wimpy to stop the evil that is persistent in society, how could I trust HIM to be strong enough to save me.

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