Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Joel Osteen-Elton John situation

I'm sure by now there are all sorts of opinions about the recent controversy between Pastor Joel Osteen and Elton John. I guess I'll toss in my two cents. The fact is Pastor Osteen said nothing new. Elton John is a sinner. So is the rest of the human race. So why the hoopla.

Political correctness is why. This term has become the six hundred pound gorilla in the room. It had a noble purpose once. It was an attempt to be more conscientious about other people's feelings. Now it has been used to excuse sin and prejudice. Yes, prejudice. Ironic, huh. You can't call homosexuality a sin because you'll offend this group. You can't have prayer in school because you might offend the group over there. Never mind that this nation was built on Christian ideals.

Pastor Osteen would be the first to admit he too is a sinner. All need GOD's forgiving grace. Including Elton John even if he won't admit it.

Should Pastor Osteen apologize? Most definitely not. The truth is the truth even when itching ears don't want to hear it.

1 comment:

  1. We are all sinners, although some choose to believe that their behavior is not judged by a Holy God.

    I support Joel Osteen in his remarks on the Piers Morgan show. I say to Pastor Osteen, don't back down. You only spoke truth.
