Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I know that there are some in Congress that want us to intervene in the Libya situation. Frankly that's a bad idea. We are already engulfed in two conflicts and should not take on any more.

We need to focus our efforts on our own at home. Too often when we extend a helping hand, we are criticized, spat upon, and downright betrayed. Expending our time, treasure, and lives in another flare up with dubious geopolitical benefits is something we can't afford.

What these politicians neglect to mention is that such aid would have a high cost. Immediately, there would be more deficit spending. Thus less money to go towards schools, welfare programs, roads, and debt relief. Later, there will be the cost in lives as we lose more soldiers in a conflict which we should have no part of.

This may seem callous but the United States needs to mind its own business. We'll be criticized for doing so but that would happen if we intervened too.

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