Friday, March 4, 2011

A time and a season

I know that almost all of us prefer clear skies and warm temperatures but let's remember that there is a time and a purpose for everything.

Down here in Florida we have been having a rash of wildfires. So I personally am very glad of the rain that I hear pouring outside my windows. It helps the firefighters, calms the flames, and protects people. It is truly a blessing from GOD.

As it is said in Ecclesiastes, there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.(Ecc 3:1, Today's NIV) This of course includes weather.

There are also different types of "weather" we go through in our walks with Christ. There are moments of closeness and those not so fun times of dryness. There are times of revelation and times of silence. All are necessary parts of the journey. Each can teach us about the GOD we serve.

It may be the season of dryness is teaching to seek harder, to be patient, or to treasure those moments of intimacy between you and GOD. A season of revelation may be preparing you for new responsibilities or  the Holy Spirit may be teaching you about something specific in your life. A time of silence may indeed be the LORD just wanting you to be still and know HE is GOD. All are seasons of the walk.

So while you are in a season, try and learn all you can from it before you move on.

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