Friday, February 4, 2011


Sometimes I get irritated that people don't realize that forgiveness is a process not a snap decision. Yes, you decide to forgive because you are commanded to. Yes, you should do this as soon as possible. But depending upon the harm done, you may have to do so more than once. This happens because the wound may not have fully healed yet or something triggers the memory of the betrayal. You relive the moment. Thus the hurt becomes fresh again. Thus you must choose to forgive once more.

For victims of abuse this is especially common. That betrayal, is a tremendous shock to the psyche. The repercussions can reverberate years into the future. A smell, a raised voice, a harsh look, any of these can take a person back.

Forgiveness like the healing it brings is a journey. Don't beat yourself up if you have to re-forgive someone. Asking the help of the Holy Spirit, do so and move on.

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