Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Behind the Scenes

Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you go GOD's way, things just seem to fall into place?

I was reading Esther this morning, a book in which you don't really hear much mention of GOD. But HE is there none the less, guiding HIS people and providing. It almost seems like a series of coincidences. Esther is chosen to be queen. Mordecai overhears a plot. The king's dreams are troubled. All just seem to happen.

Something I'd like you to remember. There is no such thing as a coincidence where GOD is concerned.

GOD knew that HIS people would be threatened at a later date by Haman. He set in motion a plan years before to save the Jews. Esther is reminded of this by Mordecai. "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this."(Esther 4:14, Today's New International Version)

GOD loves to work behind the scenes. When we are obedient to the call placed upon us, we find that HE has already gone ahead of us laying the trail. I'm not saying there are not difficulties or trials on that path. Such impediments are par for the course. What I am saying is HE has been there before us and has prepared the way.

So next time something just seems to happen for the better, smile. As I once saw written, a coincidence is simply GOD choosing to remain anonymous.

1 comment:

  1. It's true that we get wrapped up in circumstances sometimes and forget that God is bigger than any circumstance. This being said it follows that there are no coincidences. I am constantly reassured by the fact that God has everything under control and that I, and those I hold dear are in His hands.
