Monday, January 24, 2011

GOD's Timetable not Ours

This is almost a follow up to the entry on rest. We in our busyness sometimes forget that GOD works on HIS own schedule. Thus when we send up our arrow prayers we expect immediate satisfaction.

Blessedly GOD just doesn't work that way. Yes, there are times HE will give an immediate answer. But let us remember that Daniel received one of his answers after a long fast. Moses was sent to deliver the Israelites in the proper measure of time.

My pastor made note of the fact that Jesus did not just come to save. HE came to have an abundant and loving relationship with us. To restore what was broken in the Garden of Eden. Relationshps that matter evolve over a lifetime.

Prayer, that vital lifeline to GOD, was not meant to be just a series of arrow prayers on the way to heaven. It is the building block of a love story that never ends. Jesus wants to hear about every part of your life. And HE wants to give input on every part.

We are often dissatisfied when our prayers do not result in immediate action. What we don't realize is that often what we have asked for begins a process not a resolution. This process results in our maturing and deepening in our walk.

So don't get angry if your prayer does not appear to be answered that very second. GOD is not a genie. HE works in HIS time and for HIS purposes in our lives. GOD's answers to our prayers are always worth waiting for. Even if that answer is no. Because HIS no often lead to a more glorious yes down the road.

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